
What do you think about during the day? If you’re anything like me, your mind is constantly racing with things to do, expectations you need to fulfill, new ideas you want to implement in your life to get to where you want to do.

I never thought much of my thoughts, but for the past few months, I did realize that I was getting more headaches and taking shallow breaths. I wasn’t really sure why and contributed them to possibly doing too much, filling my days too full, etc. which made me a bit scared at the idea of continuing to progress this podcast into more and more because I don’t want to completely wear myself down.


This past week I did an exercise that I’ve never heard of before. I recorded all of my thoughts for 3 days straight. And what happened? It ended up being one of the most eye-opening activities I’ve ever done.

Okay, first off, I think I’m a positive person. And I am. But then the things I was writing down were 90% negative. I was literally saturating my mind with negative thoughts that I had no idea were happening. Things like: “I shouldn’t be watching a movie, I should be working more” and “that was dumb to stay up so late” and “I don’t want to talk to her” and “what if those people don’t like what I said” and “I don’t have enough money to do that” and on and on and on. After two days of this I was literally bewildered by what was coming out of my mind and almost embarrassed to write it down on paper.

My mind was a constant circle of negativity, with a dash of positive, thoughts. My breakthrough came when I realized I was internalizing these things and thought they didn’t matter because they’re kept inside my mind. EXCEP T, they had a huge effect on what I tell myself on the daily, how I was feeling, and the amount of energy I was able to generate.

To be completely honest, these were my 4 notes on how I was mentally beating myself up daily:

-I nag and won’t give myself a break, and if I do, I beat myself up about it.
-I’m really hard on other people, even when they are being harmless.
-I have huge expectations that are often unnecessary.
-Instead of being grateful, I often look at what’s lacking.

Do any of these ring a bell? Maybe you realize your thoughts aren’t exactly benefitting you (or others) either.

I realized if I would stop with my negative self-talk:

-I can be seriously grateful and be cheering myself on constantly.
-I can conquer tasks that aren’t as fun immediately, thus creating an abundance of space and time to thrive at what I’m good at.
-I can look at others with love and constantly be excited about their accomplishments.

Willie Nelson got it right when he said,

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

I am quite amazed that I never before realized I can create the exact thoughts I want to think. Now, instead of letting thoughts come into my head and create whatever story they wanted to,I can recognize my fears and worries and classify them as not helpful, clear them out of my mind, and refresh my mind with positive messages that generate more positive energy. My past fears will become my new accomplishments, and my daily worries will be turned around into possibilities and things that WILL happen.

Remember that thoughts become things and you can think your way to victory by not being stopped by negative messages or upper limits you put on myself. I would love for you to try this activity so you can see what thoughts are working for you and what isn’t, and definitely let me know what you find out!

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Outro Music by Tobu