by haleybadenhop | Jun 26, 2017
Imagine you are in your absolute dream job, living your dreamiest life, making the impact you long to make? How amazing does that feel? SO GOOD right? So…why aren’t you doing exactly that? No seriously, why? If you’re like most of the population,...
by haleybadenhop | Jun 19, 2017
Recently my boyfriend totally called me out. We were having a chat and I was in a slump about something or other, and after I went on and on about what was bothering me, he literally said, “Haley, you seriously have to stop saying that.” That’s all....
by haleybadenhop | Jun 12, 2017
How many times do you wake up and within 3 minutes you’re already dreading the day ahead? Maybe not dreading it but you’re definitely thinking about all of the things you wish you didn’t have to do. Why is it that we always think about the worst...
by haleybadenhop | Jun 5, 2017
Summary: Okay you guys, are any of you on my ultra-efficient level?! Like, you are constantly looking around you thinking of ways things could be done quicker, faster, stronger!! I can’t be the only one! Seriously, my MacbookPro I got last year can’t...
by haleybadenhop | May 29, 2017
Summary:: Since we are already over 40 episodes in, I wanted to dive deeper into this PASSION word. I’m your host, Haley Badenhop, and I’m a Lifestyle Designer for Creatives & Adventurers who want to live out their purpose, pursue their passions, and...
by haleybadenhop | May 22, 2017
Summary:: I’ve been fighting a lot with imperfections lately. I don’t like ’em. I’d rather everything get done perfectly, ahead of schedule, and be applauded by all. Are any of your guys irritated by the fact that everything you do isn’t...
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