
Woo! Let’s talk Vision!! So I’m a tad bit artsy, which for me means I’m sure visual. Like, I can’t stand when people tell me stories about bones breaking or hey, even a paper cut, or honestly even if you say the word needle because it literally feels like I’m inside the story. Ahh! On that note, if someone mentioning something quickly gives me enough of a visual to feel like I am living it, a vision board should be able to work wonders for me!

At the start of the new year, I began putting together my vision board. I took it seriously, half because I wanted it to truly look like the life I wanted, and the other half because I pride myself on creating beautiful things. Therefore, I took it on as quite a creative task. And let’s be real, Pinterest makes everything easier creative-wise these days, so I can’t take all the credit!

A lot of vision boards I see are just a jumble of cool images, which is totally fine if that’s what motivates and excites you, but I wanted to take it to the next level. I was thinking of it like decorating a house. When someone walks in my house, I want them to be able to tell my style right away. This means having a nice color scheme, items that are an extension of what I stand for, and a lot of inspiration. But hey, maybe your style is more mish-mash and that’s totally okay, as long as it INSPIRES you (and isn’t just cuz you have a cluttered house or haven’t taken the time to make it how you want it.)

Like I’ve mentioned in past podcasts, I love writing goals. I also told you I used to keep them all locked up tight in a journal. No place for goals! To conquer that, creating attractive goals are way more fun to keep out in the open, and that’s why I love vision boards!

So how can you make yours in the next hour or two? Here’s my method:

  1. Create a 2017 goal list. Yes, an actual list with BIG goals. I’m not talking little things or vague things. For instance, write I want to do a photoshoot in Santorini over I wanna take a vacation. You get the picture. And these are year-long goals, so make them BIG. You can accomplish an incredible amount in a year if you really want to, so don’t hold back. If you want a million dollars, put it on – I’m into it!
  2. Get on Pinterest and create a board titled 2017. If you are an avid Pinterester, start with your homepage as it should have some things that you are into. If not, put key-words from your goals into the search. When Photos come up, choose the one that excited you the most! If the photos don’t excite you, revisit the goal and ask why. Is it an old goal that isn’t what you enjoy anymore? Does it seem too impossible? Be open-minded and allow yourself to be okay with thinking big and eliminating past goals.
  3. I would suggest adding at least 50 photos to your 2017 Pinterest board. After you do that go to your board and see if there’s a theme. Most likely you might have a rustic theme, or glitz and glam theme, or colored theme. Now is the time to start thinking about what you actually want your vision board to look like. For me, I wanted a clean, rustic theme with hints of blues, like my website.
  4. Make a folder on your desktop and throw in one photo that portrays each goal, that also sticks pretty well to your theme, until you have each goal covered.
  5. To compile it, I downloaded a freebie template for Photoshop, but you can just as easily and freely use online. All you’ll do is pick the template that works with your amount of photos and input all the photos.
  6. Before you’re done, there was one exercise I learned in my coaching group, and that’s to choose 3 words that will describe you this year. For example, my three are Passionate, Vibrant, and Confident. These three words should excite you and motivate you to be your best self this year. Stick those words somewhere in your vision board for added benefit!
  7. Save your board, apply it to your desktop, your phone background, print it out, and tape it up where you’ll see it every day!

Here is a picture of my Vision Board for 2017!

If you make a board, tag me, I’d love to see it!!!

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I’d love to know what you’d like to hear more of, or any guests you’d like me to have. You can reach me at or by finding me on Facebook at Passion Design Project. 

Have the best day of your life today!!!

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Outro Music by Tobu