Remember Your Original Mission

Remember Your Original Mission

Hey there!

Nearly three years ago, I decided that I wanted to create an online business that would be of service to others. My goal was to help others realize that by being bold and taking risks, they can get whatever they want in life.

And then I created a website. And….yeah, that was about it.

Don’t get me wrong, I had big ideas and really wanted to make a difference in peoples’ lives. But I quickly realized that throwing together a pretty web page wasn’t doing as much as I’d thought.

My passion quickly fizzled out…along with the website.

Does this sound familiar? Do you have grand ideas, that you know are honestly REALLY good and could help A LOT of people, but find yourself losing momentum all too soon.

Maybe the people around you aren’t supportive. Maybe you got too “busy.” Maybe you saw someone else doing your idea better and think it would be a waste of time to start from scratch. (All subjects we will touch on later:)

Get out a piece of paper. Or better, a nice post-it. Write down a mission for your life you always find yourself coming back to. For me, it revolves around “helping others realize that they can utilize their passions to make an impact worldwide.”  (I know, aren’t you surprised?!)

What is it for you? 

desk-notebook-office-grey-webNow ask yourself 3 questions:

  1. Does it light me up to talk to others about this?
  2. Am I willing to work towards this goal for 30 minutes/day, currently?
  3. Can I see myself wanting outcomes from this next year at this time?

If you answered yes to all 3, easy! You’re already on your way. If you answered yes to 2 of them, I’m guessing it’s #2. Don’t worry! The ‘giving my time/working towards a goal’ part is always the hardest. Everyone likes to dream about their goals, and everyone likes success, but to put in the work is another story.

I’m here to tell you, yes, the middle ground is tough, but it is also FUN. However, if this idea is something you are truly passionate about, you will no doubt find joy in the struggles, work, and small victories during the journey.

One of my struggles is occasionally looking too far ahead, which instantly deflates my excitement. And that’s why I only said, “can you see yourself doing this in a year?” I like to keep things doable. There’s no use motivating myself for ten years down the road when I can make an impact this year.

Sidenote: If you don’t find yourself excited for one year, maybe your mission is deeper or different that you think now – explore your true thoughts a bit more. But if a year isn’t long enough, spending time daily on the idea will allow your goals and aspirations towards it to become something much bigger than you imagined.

So today, write down that mission. Commit 30 minutes a day to researching it this week. If this is truly what you want, it’s important to start giving it time TODAY.




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July 28, 2016