
For years, I listened to Podcasters talk about “coaches” they had for their business. It always confused me; I mean I’ve had my share of basketball coaches, pole vaulting coaches, volleyball coaches, but a life and business coach? Who are they and where do you even find one? 

And then earlier this year, as I started following more authors and podcasters on Facebook and learning more of the ins and outs of entrepreneurship, I realized being a coach is a whole new line of work that there is quite the demand for! So I had to bring on a coach and find out more!

“You can start changing your life by changing your story.” 

Ariel is based in Chicago and went from restaurant waitress with a dream to a coach with a global impact. 

“You don’t have to hit the rock bottom point in your life, I think you can decide to create change now wherever you’re at, and then accelerate forward “

So listen in as Ariel tells us how she helps create 5 and 6 figure months for herself and her clients!

“It was that exact same time that i had negative money in my bank account and I was like, “When are things gonna get better,” and I didn’t realize that it was up to me, THAT I COULD CHANGE EVERYTHING.”

“I was trying to show up as much as possible, and give people as much value as possible. And I think that by doing that and by being your authentic self…the clients do flow and the people that are attracted to you and who resonate with your message flow pretty easily.”

Links + Items mentioned::

Questions I ask::

  • Should everyone have a coach?
  • Where do the majority of your sales come from?
  • How can we create change in our lives?
  • What is the biggest thing that holds people back from being successful?

Takeaways from this episode::

  • How to create a tribe around you.
  • What types of changes a new lifestyle can bring.
  • How to step into our potential.
  • How to continuously push the envelope and teach new things.

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Outro Music by Tobu