046: You gotta have a PURPOSE to have PASSION!

046: You gotta have a PURPOSE to have PASSION!

Summary:: Since we are already over 40 episodes in, I wanted to dive deeper into this PASSION word. I’m your host, Haley Badenhop, and I’m a Lifestyle Designer for Creatives & Adventurers who want to live out their purpose, pursue their passions, and...
045: Mess It Up

045: Mess It Up

Summary:: I’ve been fighting a lot with imperfections lately. I don’t like ’em. I’d rather everything get done perfectly, ahead of schedule, and be applauded by all. Are any of your guys irritated by the fact that everything you do isn’t...
044: Travel Hacks from my last 50 Flights

044: Travel Hacks from my last 50 Flights

Summary:: I JUST flew my 50th flight in 6 months. What is that – my golden flight? My 50th flight took me nonstop from JFK to Honolulu…not a bad 50th I would say. Mostly because my favorite food is Tuna Poke, and HELLO poke mecca!!! Be still, my heart. Do you...
043: What to do when there’s No Good Solution

043: What to do when there’s No Good Solution

Summary:: I WAS DEFINITELY NOT WHERE I WANTED TO BE! The bus stop was locking its doors in 10 minutes and every taxi in the tiny Japanese town was booked for an hour. And that wasn’t even the worst of it. It was dumping snow outside in the pitch black, my boots were...