
Just last week, I decided on a whim that I should fly across the world to visit an organization that I interviewed on the podcast. I was so blown away by what Dianna Bautista is doing over in Thailand that I knew I needed some first-hand experience. So in a few days, I plan to check it out!


Spontaneity can often yield some of the best results because it’s the beauty of the unexpected. I’m not sure if I have the uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time, or if it’s because I say yes to spontaneous adventures, but I’ve had my share of them.

For example, back in college, I lived in Newport Beach for a bit. One day I was grabbing a coffee at a local cafe and in line was chatting small talk to the person behind me. He asked me if I’d ever went rowing before, I said no, and an hour later I found myself in the bay on my own boat, learning how. I’ve never rowed since, but that experience is one I won’t forget. 

Another time in college, back in Cincinnati, I had a few friends who I had introduced to a professor to help them get into a wine tasting course. We were fashion students, so it was kind of an odd request, but I was trying to use college to my advantage haha! Anyways, a few months later, one of the girls came up to me and said she and the other two were planning a trip to India with the professor and suggested I come along. I laughed it off because the idea was so outlandish to me, but they insisted I come to a dinner to chat about it. A few months later, I found myself on a 2-week excursion around India seeing their fashion industry first hand. A crazy experience to say the least, and one I never expected, but one that was unforgettable. 

More recently, here in Jackson a couple of years ago, my roommate and I were grabbing dinner with our kickball teammates after a Friday night win, and halfway through my friend turns to me and informs me two of the guys are taking us climbing up Grand Teton the next day. Now, the Tetons are no joke, and I’m no climber. And visions of me crying as I summited Middle Teton the year before flashed in my head. I laughed it off, but was quickly persuaded that I couldn’t let this opportunity pass, and yes, the next day found myself camping halfway up the mountain, learning to rappel in the dark with a headlamp on. I wouldn’t exactly suggest this is the best way to go about climbing the Tetons, but I will say that summiting that mountain is one of my favorite feats in Jackson. 

What’s the last thing that you’ve spontaneously done? I’m willing to bet it was either life-changing, unforgettable, or both. Often, having a plan is great, but adding some spontaneity in the mix can often add a beautiful spice to your life. 

“A man practices the art of adventure when he breaks the chain of routine and renews his life through reading new books, traveling to new places, making new friends, taking up new hobbies and adopting new viewpoints.” — Wilfred Peterson

Spontaneity isn’t normal. So don’t expect people to welcome or agree with your crazy idea. Actually, you should probably expect some backlash, if your plan is outlandish enough. But if you dig deep, you’ll probably find that your friends want to join you, or maybe, in reality, they’re too scared to and want to hold you back. This week, try to do something a little different.

This week, try to do something a little different and see how you feel afterward. For some people it could be signing up a new exercise class or going out to a really nice dinner, or for others like me, it could be flying to a foreign land. 

Sometimes not having a plan is the best plan. I hope this discussion made you think about how adding a bit of spontaneity in your life can often be just what you need.

“Don’t die without embracing the daring adventure your life is meant to be.” — Steve Pavlina

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