It’s Christmas week. YAYYY! Are you as excited as I am!? 
Are you knocking out those last cookie and appetizer recipes and grabbing the final gift so you can get them all wrapped? Hopefully, you aren’t too overwhelmed but if you feel like this week isn’t exactly as relaxing as you’d hoped, or more tasks keep building up, I want you to remember one thing. There’s always ways to get/have/find help.
Take it from me. I think I do all of my stuff the best. What!? I bet I’m not alone on that thought. Hehe:)
And as I mentioned on a previous episode, I’ve vowed to explore whatever I have resistance around a bit further. Which meant, maybe I should give up some tasks. 
For me, this meant researching a lot of online companies that can assist me in business tasks and help eliminate unnecessary tasks at home, but help could take shape in many other ways. 
“I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.” — Steve Jobs
Would any of these ideas help you out this week?
  • Asking kids for help when cooking dinner, as simple as asking them to prepare the table.
  • Getting your food made by someone else. There are so many personal chefs or bakeries out there that can make yummy things for you for the holidays.
  • Have the store wrap your gifts. 
  • Hire a cleaner for a day to prepare your home for a party. Simpler than you think!
  • Set up automation with your social media accounts.
  • Say no to things you don’t want to do, and don’t overthink it.
  • Name your own!
“Never continue in a job you don’t enjoy. If you’re happy in what you’re doing, you’ll like yourself, you’ll have inner peace. And if you have that, along with physical health, you will have had more success than you could possibly have imagined.” — Johnny Carson
And on the flip side, after you eliminate some tasks and remember you don’t have to be the hero or heroine and take it all in yourself, add in some fun things to get in the holiday spirit!!
Here are some of my favorites:
  • Watch a Christmas movie. I prefer the cheesy ones on Netflix, but have a standard that they at least need 2 stars, preferably 2.5.
  • Bake something or go to your favorite cafe and get a holiday treat
  • Buy yourself something nice so that you feel amazing at your holiday parties. A new outfit, some jewelry, a new perfume, some nail polish, some great shoes, your choice!
  • Say yes to a friend, something you WANT to do. 
  • Make a Christmassy coffee, or better yet a tasty Christmas cocktail
  • Put on all those Delicious Holiday candles
  • Go skiing, ice skating, or enjoy the snowy outdoors (or whatever weather you have!)
  • Be nice and put a smile on!!
If you ease up on the to-dos and add a few more want-to-dos you will have an amazing week I promise!! And have a holly, jolly Christmas, too!