Hi everyone, it’s your host, Haley. If we haven’t met before, I’m so happy you jumped on this episode since I have something really fun to share. Dun, dun, dunnnnn: this past week I officially reached my goal of making it to every state!

Last year, I realized I was really close and had under 10 states left to hit, so I thought knocking them off before i turned 30 (which is next month) would be a really cool goal. Through the months, I slowly but surely got to each and then hit a bit of a road block as I failed on my both of my attempts to get to Rhode Island and Alaska. So this past week, I put on my travel boots and hit both the smallest and largest in one week!

I’m planning to write a more exciting post about all the states and my favorite spots so that you guys can get some insight into new places you may want to hit, and I’ll release that around my birthday, so stay tuned!

Today, revolving around this accomplishment, I wanted to talk with you about setting expectations for yourself.

This sort of relates to goals, and you can hear more about those on Episode 31, but I think expectations go a bit deeper. It’s a way of everyday thinking, not just a distant accomplishment you hope to achieve. And it begins with a choice.

When I decided I wanted to reach all 50 states, I expected myself to make it happen. It wasn’t simply an idea that may or may not occur. I fully expected myself to accomplish what I wanted and therefore welcomed any opportunities that came my way to see the remaining states. My expectations guided my actions.

How high are the expectations you have for yourself? And more importantly, are these expectations for YOURSELF or for someone else.

I find often we place high expectations on ourselves to please our parents, or significant others, or heck, even social media. But if we’re being honest, those usually aren’t fun and they won’t last. Sooner or later you’ll get sick of trying to please people and realize that people really don’t care as much as you thought and you should’ve been spending your time following your personal expectations.

Alright, so we’re clear, these are YOUR expectations. So what’s the point and what’s the process?

Simply, the point is that higher expectations allow you to get the results that you want. If you go into a meeting expecting mediocre outcomes, that’s usually what you’ll get, right? However, if you go in expecting that by the end you will have the results and information you desire, you’ll be more apt to ask the right questions, engage with the right people, and delegate tasks to people who will create the best outcomes. Maybe you can’t control everything entirely, but you got results you wanted and expected.

The same can be said for sports games. Say you expect to have 20 points by the end of your basketball game. Can you get those 20 points if you only shoot 3 shots? Obviously not. Same with clients. If I expect to sell 5 paintings this month, but only put 3 for sale, I don’t even give myself a chance. By placing higher expectations on yourself, you give yourself a higher chance of success.

Kinda sounds simple, doesn’t it? It is!

I want all of you to come out of this episode with high expectations for yourself so let’s dive a bit deeper into the process of having them.

What are a few things you could get into order that would make you instantly feel like you are ready to achieve more? For my extra traveling, I knew I needed to maintain a better calendar and set a schedule to accomplish things while I was at home. Maybe for you, it’s as simple (or not simple depending) as cleaning your desk and space! A clean space can make a world of difference, believe me! For you, it may mean eating healthier meals so you have more energy to raise expectations. It could mean changing up your spending habits.

It’s important to realize that when you choose to raise your expectations, you may have to get rid of some of the low hanging fruit that’s holding you back. I’m talking about that easy stuff that isn’t really doing much for ya. For me, that’s too much social media time when I should be being creative on my own, and eating one too many pastries when I’m trying to maintain a tougher workout schedule, and talking myself out of networking events. What are some things you can think of that may be holding you back? Maybe it’s even some thoughts or things people said about you many years ago that you’re letting hold you back from thinking you’re worth more.

If you aren’t exactly where you want to be in life right now, I would challenge you to think harder about those areas of your life and realize that if you implement high expectations today and change up a couple habits, you can get where you want to be much faster. We’re all into that, right?!

By giving up the stuff that’s involved in lower expectations, and reaching for bigger things, you will find that you inevitably attract more opportunities and confident people in your life, opening up a whole new world to you.

But please remember this: high expectations for yourself should not be confused with having high expectations of others. I’ve always been the type of person to not expect things from others so this idea comes very naturally to me. Not in a ‘woe is me,’ ‘I’m never counting on anyone again” type of way, but with the mindset that people don’t owe me anything. If you spend your life getting upset that people haven’t given you what you think you deserve, you’re going to waste a lot of time and energy.

I can tell you that personally, by not expecting people to do things for me, it does 2 things:

  1. It’s more exciting when people DO do things for me (plus I’m not at all let down otherwise.)
  2. I work harder to show people that I am worthy of being recognized.

Cool! I can’t wait for you to continue to expect more from yourself as you’ve already got so much to offer inside of you! Let me know some new expectations you have for yourself in the comments below!

Thanks so much for listening, it means the world to me!! I would love if you’d leave a review on iTunes and tell me what you’re up to in life! 

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As always, you can find more episodes like this on my website at www.PassionDesignProject.com or subscribe on iTunes to get them delivered to your app.

If you know of a perfect guest for the podcast you can reach me at Haley@PassionDesignProject.com or by finding me on Facebook at Passion Design Project.

We also have a really rad group on Facebook called The Passion Designers and would LOVE to have you join!!

Have the best day of your life today!!!

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Outro Music by Tobu