Freedom (and travel) is such a huge part of PASSION DESIGN.
Having the freedom to do what you want, when you want, on your own terms, is probably a vision you dream about, am I right??
I’ve spent the last 10 years of my life actively pursuing the places that I find most inspiring, whether that’s just for a vacation or for an actual home.
Often, I talk to people who say they are envious that I’m doing so many “cool things,” or they wish they had more time or money to do what I do. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. When I began traveling and moving, I didn’t have a lot of money. AT ALL.
Instead, it was a choice.
Ten years ago, I made a conscious decision that I wanted to live a life of travel and freedom, and when you set your mind on something, there’s not much that can stop you. Sure circumstances can present roadblocks, and I’ve had plenty of those, but if you TRULY want something, you’ll keep going for it through the laughs and the cries (I’ve had both).
Today, I’d love for you to focus on 2 things.
ONE: Decide on a mindset surrounding FREEDOM that you are going to have.
Not one that you hope to have, one that you are going to implement and start having starting today. Often that means getting rid of the junk. And by junk, I mean crappy thoughts, ones that are holding you back.
So say you want to have Mondays to work on your own business. You realize that Monday’s are important to getting your week off on the right foot and for some reason, you always feel in disarray on Mondays. What would help you create a better Monday? Scheduling hour-by-hour on a Calendar? Not checking e-mail or social media until noon? Maybe you just need to meditate and eat a relaxing breakfast while journaling in the morning. Decide what a freedom-filled Monday would look like for you, and implement that as soon as possible.
Setting a Monday routine might seem lame, but productive Mondays are a small step towards that freedom you desire right? You don’t have to move onto a Yacht tomorrow and start sailing the world in order to get your freedom. It can start at home.
TWO: Plan a trip
Woo! I’m all about travel here.
Tons of people come up to me and say, “Haley, that’s amazing you can travel everywhere, I wish I could, but I don’t have the money for that right now.” Often I’ll hear this from the same person for years in a row.
Totally fine. If you don’t want to travel, then don’t:) Because believe it or not, that’s what you’re telling me.
When you say you “can’t travel,” you’re only telling me that you haven’t figured out how you can travel on your budget. Did you know there’s a whole travel hacking world? Or the fact that, an overnighter to your nearest city or national park can be an incredible trip. Simply put, if you want to take a trip, you can!
Today write down trip possibilities, not limitations.
I’ll be writing more posts and podcasts on travel and hope you’ll open up your world along with me!