086: Having More Success by Adding More Value

086: Having More Success by Adding More Value

If you’re an entrepreneur or have a business or want to have a biz, what do you think about the most? I’m guessing you probably think about money quite a bit and how you’re going to make it. I’m real guilty of putting my sole focus on how I can...
085: Getting over the Emotional Side of Rejection

085: Getting over the Emotional Side of Rejection

When was the last time you were rejected? Maybe it was today or yesterday, or maybe a year ago and you’re still upset and mad about it. Whenever it was, I surely can relate and am guessing most listeners can. I hate rejection. I really do. It’s annoying,...
084: How to Create a Podcast from Start to Finish

084: How to Create a Podcast from Start to Finish

Today I go over all of the details on how I started a Podcast. Kara wrote in with the following questions and I answer every single one in great detail. Enjoy and let me know if you start a Podcast!! What equipment did you start with? Where did you buy it? How did you...
082: Why Giving Matters

082: Why Giving Matters

Do you ever have a book sitting around for a long time but never make the time to get around to reading it? Okay, I have more than a few of these, but The Go-Giver is probably the shortest book that has been. Yesterday, I gave myself a rare off-day and decided to pick...
081: How to make your One Life Count

081: How to make your One Life Count

Yooooolo! That’s right, I’m bringing back that obnoxious cliche phrase that went viral a year or two ago. But to be honest, I wish it hadn’t been simply a fad. If you weren’t in the YOLO loop, it stands for You Only Live Once, and people used...